CCC Connections is a group or volunteers who connect those who are new to Crossroads or who are not yet a part of the body. Connections is responsible for first contact by a personal welcome, welcome text message, then by invite to the “Next” lunch. Once completed, there will be an invite to the first study, Starting Point. From there, a spiritual gifts test is given, as well as major encouragement for the new person to get connected through women’s ministry events, men’s ministry events and churchwide events. Connections also watches to see who gets involved as well as who doesn’t and continues to encourage them to be a viable part of the body.
Connections is responsible for the “Next” luncheon, which occurs about every 6 to 8 weeks.
Their job is to personally invite, send invitations, set up the luncheon, organize the food with their team.
The Connections person is a key person for those who are looking for new people for their ministry, help on their teams, or new life groups.
Connections is responsible for the “Next” luncheon, which occurs about every 6 to 8 weeks.
Their job is to personally invite, send invitations, set up the luncheon, organize the food with their team.
The Connections person is a key person for those who are looking for new people for their ministry, help on their teams, or new life groups.